I just wanted to say you might think that people that swim aren't very athletic but they are actually really athletic! Swimming is actually one of the best ways to exercise because you are using all of your muscles. It is also really good for your lungs. And you get tired out very easily. Im just trying to say that people who swim actually work VERY hard!
This is a video that was taken after one of Michael Phelps races in the 2008 olympics. The reason im showing this is becasue there was another person next to Phelps that was beating him :( Phelps ended up beating this guy by literally a milla-second!!! Phelps ended up beating him because.... well just watch the video!!!
     I had a swim meet this week and I realized something while I was there.... a LOT of people get nervous at their swim meets so my coach told me something that helped relax me. She told me that it doesn't matter what everybody else is doing in the pool it only matters what your doing. She also said that it doesn't matter because UNLIKE the olympics in swim meets you're just competing against yourself. Everytime you swim you are just trying to get a better time than before... So if you're ever nervous at a swim meet just think that you're in the pool alone being timed, just think about getting a better time! - it might seem weird but this did actually help me calm down a lot!!